Fall Masters' Seminar - November 2, 2013

The Hokubei Shihankai would like to extend an invitation to all karate-ka to the Fall Masters' Seminar in Santa Ana, California on November 2, 2013. The seminar will feature four masters from each of their respective fields in Japanese Martial Arts.

Mr. Fumio Demura will talk about his life and experiences with karate. Mr. Tak Hamabata and Mr. Katsuhide Kinjo of Goju-Ryu Karate will teach their specialty kata Sanchin and Seipai. Mr. Kiyama Hayawo of Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujitsu (Kodokai) will demonstrate and teach high-level Aiki techniques and movement.

Please follow this link for more information.


This one seminar will allow you to experience a wide variety of skills and knowledge from different fields of Japanese Martial Arts.

We are excited to host this special event and we hope that you will be able toattend.  




Shoji Nishimura




This masters' seminar would

This masters' seminar would definitely be awesome. There would be lots of karate-do masters that would share their skills.
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Pretty useful information.

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