The Hokubei Shihankai would like to extend an invitation to all karate-ka to the Fall Masters' Seminar in Santa Ana, California on November 14, 2015.
The Seminar will include presentation by guest speaker Mr. Fumio Demura, and by Mr. Takafumi Hamabata (Goyu-Ryu), Mr. Katsuhide Kinjo (Goyu-Ryu), Mr. Hayawo Kiyama (Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu) and Mr. Tomohiro Arashiro (Ryuei-Ryu).
Please download attachment for more information.
This seminar will allow you to experience a variety of skills and knowledge from Japanese Martial Arts.
We are excited to host this special event and we hope that you will be able to attend.
Shoji Nishimura
Fall 2015 Masters Seminar